Tailor Made Products
MB Papeles Especiales, S.A. offers to their costumers the opportunity to create tailor-made products, providing solutions.
Our projects are based on:
- Working closely with clients:
- Support with technical services
- Tailor-made products
- In-depth understanding of customer needs.
- Providing solutions that add value to customers business.
- Research shows that the best sources of growth start with new customer insights.

Our projects
Our projects are based on in-depth understanding of customers needs, providing solutions that add value to their business. Research shows that the best sources of growth start with new customer insights. Therefore we work closely with clients supporting them with technical services and tailor-made products.
Our Keys for Tailor-Made products:
Light weight
High porosity
Voluminous paper
Superficial properties
Own slitting plant (special customer requirements)